Article: Do transdermal vitamin patches work?
Do transdermal vitamin patches work?
Transdermal vitamin patches do they really work? Transdermal patches are like nicotine patches—you stick them on your body and they deliver medication (or a supplement) right through the skin and into your bloodstream.
So, do vitamin patches work?
While patches are nothing new, vitamin patches do they work? They’re having a bit of a moment right now. They may not be a miracle solution for everything but they do work.
Transdermal patches are used to deliver medicine, vitamins, nicotine, and other substances through the skin into the bloodstream but does B12 work? The formula is in a patch that is applied to the skin and worn for a specific amount of time.
Patches are designed to slowly release their contents into the bloodstream over time.
Do vitamin B12 patches work? It all depends on the molecule size of the ingredient and if it’s small enough to be absorbed by the skin and in our case it most definitely is and does work.
Transdermal patches have been around for seventy years. Because transdermal delivery of medicine is so common, patches are arguably one of the most well-studied delivery systems using the skin.
We can learn a lot about patches from data, the FDA has continuously monitored and reviewed the safety and efficacy of patches.
The earliest FDA documents referring to “patch ingredients” are from 1950, more than a decade before many of the major patch manufacturers were founded.
If you don’t believe us, try this little experiment: peel a clove of garlic and stick it into your sock, then time how long it takes before you taste garlic in your mouth!
Imagine that instead of a clove of garlic, it is a high concentration of vitamin B12, the same will happen.